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Lot No.77
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Sharabhapuriya dynasty of Mahakosala (Chhattisgarh region), King Prasannamatra (c.525-550 AD), gold 1.33g, bracteates manufactured using 'repousse' technique-wheel, Garuda and conch shell with legend 'Sri Prasannamatra' in box headed Brahmi letters underneath a pitcher (kumbha) placed below the legend.
Extremely fine, Very scarce.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 20,000-25,000
Sold For :
Rs. 26,000
Lot No.78
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Western Gangas (10th-11th century AD), gold gajapati pagoda, MCSI-I 193, 3.74g. Obv: An ornate Elephant standing facing right, with portions of a Kannada letter above the elephant's back, a branch under its belly and a branch in front of the trunk. Rev: Ornamental floral scroll.
Extremely fine, Very scarce.
ex-Rajgor Auctions 13 (2013), Lot no. 16.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 40,000-50,000
Sold For :
Rs. 70,000
Lot No.79
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Western Gangas as feudatories of the Rashtrakutas, gold punch-marked Gadyana, repousse fabric, (900-1000 AD), 3.84g, Height: 37.51mm, Width: 37.78mm. Obv: Nine punches struck deeply on a thin flan, 5x Elephant standing in profile to right, 2x Kannada letters 'Shri', 1x Kannada legend 'Maara', 1x Kannada legend 'Pathi'.
Uncirculated, Rare.
Judging by its similarity in fabric and style, it is plausible to attribute this type to Maraismha II Satyavakya (963-975 AD).
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 1,00,000-1,20,000
Sold For :
Rs. 1,70,000
Lot No.80
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Nolambas of Nolambavadi, Central Karnataka, as feudatories of Western Gangas, gold punch-marked gadyana, repousse fabric (900-1000 AD), 3.68g, Height: 37.46mm, Width: 37mm. Obv: Nine punches struck deeply on a thin flan, 5x Nandi seated couchant on a pedestal with lamp-posts in front and rear, flywhisk (Chauri) and sun-moon sign above the back, 2x Kannada letters 'Shri', 1x Kannada legend Parijwala and 1x Kannada legend Nolamba.
Uncirculated, Rare.
Judging by its similarity in fabric and style, it is plausible to attribute this type to Dileepa Irivanolamba (940-967AD).
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 1,20,000-1,50,000
Sold For :
Rs. 1,50,000
Lot No.81
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Kakatiyas of Warangal, gold punch-marked gadyana, repousse fabric, (900-1000 AD), 3.73g, Height: 36.18mm, Width: 34.67mm. Obv: Nine punches struck deeply on a very thin flan - 5x boar facing right with sun and moon above, 2x Kannada letter 'Shri', 1x Kannada legend 'Manda' and 1x Kannada legend 'lika'.
Uncirculated, Rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 80,000-1,10,000
Sold For :
Rs. 1,20,000
Lot No.82
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Kakatiyas of Warrangal, Prola- II (1110-1158 CE), Gold PMC 9.75g, Height: 65.25mm, Width: 65.20mm. Two-and-a -Half God Bhairava type Gold Gadyana. Total of 29 repousse punches on the obverse of a circular flan. The central punch depicts God Bhairava seated in Padmasana posture with Trishul in his left hand and Sword in his right hand. The other punches are struck in two concentric circular orbits. The inner orbit consists of 12 punches: 6x lion facing left and 6x boar facing right with sun and moon above. The outer orbit consists of 16 punches: 8x boar facing left, 4x nine-petal lotus, 2x Kannada letter 'Sri-Sri', 1x Kannada legend 'Mandalika' and 1x Kannada legend 'Kesari'.
Uncirculated, Very rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 4,00,000-5,00,000
Sold For :
Rs. 7,20,000
Lot No.83
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Kakatiyas of Warrangal, Prola-II (1110-1158 CE), Gold PMC 9.53g, Height: 64.40mm, Width: 64.30mm. Two-and-a -Half War Goddess Type Gold Gadyana. Total of 29 repousse punches on the obverse of a circular flan. The central punch consists of the image of the War Goddess Durga seated in Baddha Konasana, holding dagger in her upper hands and noose in her lower hands. The other punches are struck in two concentric circular orbits. The inner orbit consists of 12 punches: 6x lion facing right and 6x boar facing right with sun and moon above. The outer orbit consists of 16 punches: 4x boar facing left, 8x nine-petal lotus, 2x Kannada letter 'Sri-Sri', 1x Kannada legend 'Mandalika' and 1x Kannada legend 'Kesari'.
Uncirculated, Very rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 4,00,000-5,00,000
Sold For :
Rs. 4,90,000
Lot No.84
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Avanti varman (855-883), not listed in major publications, 6.11g. Obv: stylized representation of a seated goddess; Sharada legend Shri to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend Ava(nti) below his arm.
Good very fine, Very rare.
Avanti varman was the founder of the Utpala dynasty and a great king. He established a city name Avantipora near Pulwama and founded the Avantiswami temple there. He was a renowned patron of art and literature.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 8,000-10,000
Sold For :
Rs. 12,000
Lot No.85
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Nirjjita/Anirjjita varman (c.906 AD), not listed in major publications, 6.19g. Obv: stylized representation of a seated goddess; Sharada legend Ani to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend rjjita below his arm.
Extremely fine, Very rare.
The reign of Sugandha Rani ended in chaos. She was heavily under the control of mercenary soldiers called 'Tantrins' and 'Ekangas'. She selected Nirjjita varman, son of Sukha varman and grandson of Shura varman, to be the king, in the hope that being her relative, he would act according to her directions. But Nirjjita varman was an unpopular king - he was handicapped and spent a lot of money. The Tantrin infantry then deposed him and installed his son Partha on the throne.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 8,000-10,000
Sold For :
Rs. 9,500
Lot No.86
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Partha varman (906-921 and 934-935 AD), MNC 167-168, 5.84g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sarada legend Partha to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend Varma below his arm.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 5,000-7,000
Sold For :
Rs. 10,000
Lot No.87
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, uncertain dynasty - copper dinnara of queen Shri Mahadevi (c.910-920AD), not listed in major publications, 5.96g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sarada legend Shri to left and Shri Ma(ha) to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend Devyah below his arm.
Fine, Very rare.
Coins of queen Shri Mahadevi are recently known. It is not yet certain which king was she associated with but it is likely, on typological observation, that she is placed close to issues of Gopala varman and queen Sugandha.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 7,000-9,000
Sold For :
Rs. 7,000
Lot No.88
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Chakra varman (923-933; 935; 936-937 AD), not listed in major publications, 5.71g. Obv: stylized representation of a seated goddess; Sarada letter Cha to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend kkra below his arm.
Extremely fine, Very rare.
Chakravarman was yet another child-ruler; he went on to rule for ten years (till 933/934), for a few months under the regency of his mother and then, under grandmother Kshillika. A new revolution by the Tantrin militia tried installing other kings in the intervening period but Chakravarman promised them with even greater riches. When the Tantrins installed him in 935, he appointed them in important offices. But he had to flee, after failing to raise enough taxes to pay the Tantrins.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 6,000-8,000
Sold For :
Rs. 10,000
Lot No.89
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Shambhuvardhana (935-936AD), not listed in major publications, 6.18g. Obv: stylized representation of a seated goddess; Sarada legend Shri to left and Sha to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend Var(dha?) below his arm.
About extremely fine, Extremely rare.
Shambhuvardhana was a short-lived king in between the various turns of Chakra varman's reign. He was sent by his brother, the minister Shankaravardhana to negotiate with the Tantrins after Chakravarman fled for the second time. But he betrayed Shankaravardhana and managed to get crowned himself. Chakravarman returned to win over the throne for the third time and in his attempt managed to kill Shambhuvardhana.
This is the first ever coin to be attributed to this short-lived ruler.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 12,000-15,000
Sold For :
Rs. 13,000
Lot No.90
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Unmatta-vanti (937-939AD), not listed in MNC, 6.46g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sarada legend Shri to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada letter U below his arm.
Good very fine, Rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 5,000-7,000
Sold For :
Rs. 5,000
Lot No.91
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Nandigupta (972-973AD), 5.64g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sarada legend Na to left and ndi Gu to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend pta De(va) below his arm.
Fine, Very scarce.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 3,000-4,000
Sold For :
Rs. 3,600
Lot No.92
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, Utpala dynasty - copper dinnara of Tribhuvana Gupta (973-975AD), not listed in major publications, 5.35g. Obv: stylized representation of a seated goddess; Sarada legend Tri to left and bhuva to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend Gupta below his arm.
Very fine, Very rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 6,000-8,000
Sold For :
Rs. 6,500
Lot No.93
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir - copper dinnara of Bhima Gupta (974-979AD), not listed in MNC, 5.83g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sharada legend Bhi /ma Gu to left and right. Rev: stylized standing king sacrificing at altar; Sharada legend pta (Deva) at right.
Very fine, Rare.
Bhima Gupta was the youngest grandson of Queen Didda and was placed on the throne during her regency as the fourth successor to a line of unfortunate kings who fell pray one after the other to her machinations. Following his murder, Didda gave up being regent and assumed the throne for herself.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 3,000-4,000
Lot No.94
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, 2nd Lohara dynasty - copper dinnara of Uchchala Deva (1101-1111AD), not listed in MNC, 5.23g. Obv: stylized representation of a seated goddess; Sarada legend U to left and chchala to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing, performing sacrifice.
Very fine, Very rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 5,000-7,000
Sold For :
Rs. 7,500
Lot No.95
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, 2nd Lohara dynasty - copper dinnara of Sussala (1112-1120 AD), MNC 190, 6.13g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sarada legend Su to left and ssala to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar.
Very fine, Very scarce.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 2,000-2,500
Lot No.96
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, 2nd Lohara dynasty - copper dinnara of Jayasimha (1128-1154AD), jointly issued with 'Shri Sumanta', unpublished in major sources, 6.13g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sarada legend Shri Su / Manta in vertical division to left and Ja(ya) to right. Rev: stylized king standing facing left, sacrificing over altar; Sarada legend Simha to left and De(va) below his arm.
Extremely fine, Extremely rare.
It is not known exactly who 'Shri Sumanta' was - but it is possible that he was a feudatory ruler under Jayasimha, possibly from the Western part of the kingdom of Kashmir.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 10,000-12,000
Sold For :
Rs. 10,000
Lot No.97
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, 2nd Lohara dynasty - copper dinnara of Paramanti (c.1155AD), not listed in MNC, 5.90g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sharada legend Sri Pa ra / ma nti in two lines to left and right. Rev: stylized standing king sacrificing at altar.
Extremely fine, Very rare.
Paramanti or Paramanuka was the grandson of Jayasimha and ruled at the very end of the second Lohara dynasty. His rule was very short, perhaps less than a year. This coin has a different legend arrangement than the coin listed above.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 8,000-10,000
Sold For :
Rs. 8,000
Lot No.98
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, 2nd Lohara dynasty - copper dinnara of Paramanti (c.1155AD), not listed in MNC, 4.25g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sharada legend Sri Pa /rama / nti to left and right. Rev: stylized standing king sacrificing at altar; Sharada legend (Deva) to right.
Extremely fine, Very rare.
Paramanti or Paramanuka was the grandson of Jayasimha and ruled at the very end of the second Lohara dynasty. His rule was very short, perhaps less than a year.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 8,000-10,000
Sold For :
Rs. 11,000
Lot No.99
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Hindu kings of Kashmir, 2nd Lohara dynasty - copper dinnara of Paramanti (c.1155AD), not listed in MNC, 5.44g. Obv: stylized goddess seated facing, wearing large earrings; Sharada legend Sri Pa ra / ma nti in a single line to left and right. Rev: stylized standing king sacrificing at altar; Sharada legend (Deva) to right.
Very fine, Rare.
Paramanti or Paramanuka was the grandson of Jayasimha and ruled at the very end of the second Lohara dynasty. His rule was very short, perhaps less than a year. This coin has a different legend arrangement than the coin listed above.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 5,000-7,000
Sold For :
Rs. 5,000
Lot No.100
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Cholas, gold 1/8 kahavanu of Rajaraja (985-1014 AD) or Rajendra (1014-1044 AD), MCSI-II 330, 0.46g. Obv: Chola royal emblem of a bow, a seated tiger, a pair of fish, and an umbrella. Rev: Nagari legend in two lines Yuddha/Malla.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
The title 'Yuddhamalla' was held by both Rajaraja as well as his son Rajendra.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 7,000-8,000
Sold For :
Rs. 34,000
Lot No.101
Hindu Coins of Medieval India
Auction Date: 10-08-2024
Kadambas of Hangal, anonymous and uninscribed, gold fanam (11th century AD), 0.47g. Obv: Lion at right, facing backwards. Rev: Floral scroll.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Estimated Price :
Rs. 5,000-7,000
Sold For :
Rs. 5,000