Princely States
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Hyderabad, silver coins (4), (a) Mir Mahbub Ali Khan, 1x rupee, AH 1329/RY 44, 'Mim' in doorway of Charminar, KM Y40.1, 11.20g and (b) Mir Usman Ali Khan, set of 3 coins, full 'Ain' in doorway of Charminar, 1x 8 annas, AH 1354/RY 25, KM Y52, 5.59g; 1x 4 annas, AH 1342/RY 13, KM Y51, 2.70g and 1x 2 annas, AH 1351/RY 22, KM Y50, 1.42g. (4 coins)
Estimated Price
Rs. 5,000-7,000