Current Auction Item
Lot No.407
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Rudra Simha (1696-1714 AD), silver rupee, SE 1625, R&B F13.1, 11.07g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Ha/ra Gauri
Pa/dambuja Madhu/Karasya. Rev: Legend Sri Srimat/Svarga deva Rudra/Simhasya Sa/ke 1625, below lion facing to right,
both sides legend in four lines.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.408
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Siva Simha (1714-1744 AD), silver rupee, without Queen's name, SE 1645, R&B G13.1, 11.48g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Hara/Gauri Pada/mbuja Madhuka/rasya. Rev: Legend Sri Srimat/Svarga deva Si/va Simha NrPasya/sake 1645, below lion facing to right, both sides legend in four lines.
Bold strike, Extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.409
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Siva Simha (1714-1744 AD), silver rupee, with citing Queen Pramathesvari, SE 1652, R&B I9.1-I9.3, 11.12g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Siva/Simha Nrpa Mahi/si Sri Pramathesva/ri Devyah. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Hara Gauri Pada Pa/rayanayah/sake 1652, below lion facing to right, both sides legend in four lines.
Very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.410
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Siva Simha (1714-1744 AD), silver rupee, with citing Queen Ambika, SE 1658/RY 22, R&B K11.1-11.2, 11.22g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Siva/Simha Nrpa Tadva/llabha Srimad Ambi/ka Devinam, below lion facing to left. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Hara/Gauri Pada Parayananam/sake 1658/22, both sides legend in four lines.
Very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.411
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Rajeshvara Simha (1751-1769 AD), silver rupee, SE 1675, R&B O82.1; KM 175, 11.21g. Obv: Devanagari legend Sri Sri Mahe/swari Charana ka/mala Makaranda/Madhukarasya, lion facing left. Rev: Devanagari legend Sri Sri Swarga/Deo Sri Rajeswa/ra Simha/ Nripsya/Saka 1675.
Good very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.412
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Lakshmi Simha (1770-1780 AD), silver rupee, SE 1692, R&B Q24.1, 11.09g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Hara/Gauri Charana ra/vinda Makaranda/Madhukarasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Svarga/Deva Sri Laksmi/Simha NrPasya/sake 1692, below lion facing right, both sides legend in four lines.
Very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.413
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Lakshmi Simha (1770-1780 AD), silver rupee, SE 1696, R&B Q29.1, 11.18g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Hara/Gauri Charana ra/vinda Makaranda/Madhukarasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Svarga/Deva Sri Laksmi/Simha NrPasya/sake 1696, below lion facing right, both sides legend in four lines.
Green patina on both sides, Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.414
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Lakshmi Simha (1770-1780 AD), silver ½ rupee, ND, Hari Hara type, R&B Q35.1, 5.73g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Ha/ri Hara Pada/Parasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri La/ksmi Simha Na/rendrasya, both sides legend in three lines.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.415
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Lakshmi Simha (1770-1780 AD), silver ½ rupee, ND, R&B Q40.1, 5.58g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Ha/ra Gauri Pa/da Parasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri La/ksmi Simha Na/rendrasya, both sides legend in three lines.
Very fine, Scarce.
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Lot No.416
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Lakshmi Simha (1770-1780 AD), silver ¼ rupee, SE 1693, R&B Q48.1. Obv: Legend Sri Sri La/ksmi Sim/ha NrPasya, in three lines. Rev: Legend Sake/1693 in two lines.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.417
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Gaurinath Simha (1780-1795 AD), set of 6 silver coins, rupee, SE 1704, 11.23g; ½ rupee, RY 5, 5.68g; ¼ rupee, SE 1716, 2.81g; ⅛ rupee, 1.43g; 1/16 rupee, 0.71g and 1/32 rupee, 0.27g. (6 coins)
Generally about extremely fine, Rare as s set
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Lot No.418
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Gaurinatha Simha (1780-1795 AD), silver rupee, SE 1716, R&B R50.1-59.1, 11.19g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Hara/Gauri Charana Ka/mala Makaranda/Madhukarasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Svarga/Deva Sri Gaurina/tha Simha NrPasya/sake 1716, below lion facing to left, both sides legend in four lines.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.419
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Gaurinath Simha (1780-1795 AD), silver ½ rupee, RY 6, R&B R69.1-69.4, 5.58g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Ha/ra Gauri Pa/da Parasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Gau/rinatha Sim/ha NrPasya, year 6 in bottom, both side legend in three lines.
About Very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.420
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Gaurinath Simha (1780-1795 AD), set of 4 silver coins, 1x ¼ rupee, SE 1706, 2.74g; 1x ⅛ rupee, 1.44g; 2x 1/16 rupee, 0.69g and 0.54g. (4 coins)
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.421
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Sarvvananda Simha (1793-1795 AD), gold ¼ mohur, SE 1715, crude style as RB. X13.1 - Listed as silver ¼ rupee but not in gold, KM 312 variety, 2.90g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Sa/rvvananda Si/mha Nrpasya. Rev: Legend Sake/1715.
Good very fine, Extremely rare.
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Lot No.422
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Sarvvananda Simha (1793-1795 AD), silver rupee, SE 1715, R&B X4.1-X4.4, 11.20g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Krishna/Charana Kamala/ Makaranda/Madhukarasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Svarga/Deva Sri Sarvva/nanda Simha NrPasya/sake 1715, lion running left.
Extremely fine, Extremely rare.
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Lot No.423
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Chandrakanta Simha (1819-1821 AD), gold ½ mohur, ND. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Hara/Gauri Pa/da Parasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Chandra/Kanta Simha/-Narendrasya, both sides legend in three lines, unpublished in any references.
NGC graded MS63, Unique so far.
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Lot No.424
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Chandrakanta Simha (1819-1821 AD), silver ½ rupee, ND, R&B U10.1, 5.59g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Ha/ra Gauri Pa/da Parasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Chandra/kanta Simha/Narendrasya, both sides legend in three lines.
Very fine, Very rare.
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Lot No.425
Independent Kingdoms
Assam, Brajanatha Simha (1818-1819 AD), silver ½ rupee, ND, R&B T10.3, 5.52g. Obv: Legend Sri Sri Ra/dha Krishna Pa/da Parasya. Rev: Legend Sri Sri Bra/janatha Si/mha NrPasya, both sides legend in three lines.
Ex-mount, Very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.426
Independent Kingdoms
Gond Kingdom of Devgarh, Kokshah son of Jatbai I (1620-1630 AD), copper paisa, 9.62g. Obv: Symbol of sword and Devanagari legend Seeva Shri Maharaja Jatbaji Suta. Rev: Devanagari legend Seeva Shri Maharaja Kokashahi Mahapati Rao Devgarh.
Extremely fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.427
Independent Kingdoms
Jaintiapur, Bargosain II (1731-1770 AD), silver tanka, SK 1653, R&B-J K12; KM 177, 9.07g. Obv: Legend Śri Śri Śi/va Charana ka/mala Madhu Ka/rasya [star], pistol in left margin, sword to right. Rev: Legend Śri Śri Ja/yantipura Pu/randarasya Śa/ke 1653, two beads at start of top line and three at end, a row of three beads top and bottom, all within a circular beaded border.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.428
Independent Kingdoms
Nawabs of Kurnool, Himayat (Himmat) Bahadur Khan (1733-1762 AD), silver rupee, Qamarnagar mint, in the name of Shah Alam II, AH (11)79/RY 9, 11.15g.
Good very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.429
Independent Kingdoms
Modern fantasy in gold of Manipur, Harshachandra Simha (1798-1801 AD), tanka, dated 1721, R&B 'Manipur' F2, 12.08g. Obv: In decorative margins, Nagari legend Shri Manmanipureshwar Shri Harshachandra Nrupawarasya Shake followed by date. Rev: In decorative border, Nagari legend Shri Radha Govinda Padaravinda Makaranda Madhukarasya.
Good very fine.
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Lot No.430
Independent Kingdoms
Modern fantasy in gold of Manipur, Marjit Simha (1812-1819 AD), tanka, dated 1741, R&B 'Manipur' F5, 11.05g. Obv: Nagari legend Shri Manmanipureshwar Shri Marjit Simha Nrupawarasya Shake followed by date. Rev: Nagari legend Shri Shri Radha Govinda Padaravinda Makaranda Madhukarasya; countermarked with a 'winged lion' motif.
Extremely fine.
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Lot No.431
Independent Kingdoms
Modern fantasy in gold of Manipur, Marjit Simha (1812-1819 AD), tanka, dated 1741, R&B 'Manipur' F6, 13.82g. Obv: In decorative margins, Nagari legend Hadankajita Shri Manipureshwar Shri Marjit Simha Nrupasya Shake followed by date. Rev: In decorative border, Nagari legend Shri Shri Radha Govinda Padaravinda Manomadhukarasya; in centre, a motif of Krishna playing the flute.
Good very fine.
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