Current Auction Item
Lot No.170
Sultans of Ghaznavids - silver bilingual dirham of Mahmud (998-1030 AD), Mahmudpur mint, AH 418, G&G GZ2, 2.43g. Obv: Shahada in centre, followed by Nizam al-Din Abu Abu'l Qasim in Kufic; al-Qadir above, Billah to left, mint and date in words in margins. Rev: Sanskrit legend in Sharada script Awyaktamekam/Muhammad A/watara Nrpa/ti Mahamuda in fourlines; marginal Sanskrit legend reads from 11 o'clock Awyaktiya Name Ayam Tanka Hata Mahamudapure Samvati 418.
Extremely fine, Rare.
An exceptionally preserved example of the rarer variety of Mahmud's bilingual dirhams with 'Abu al-Qasim' inscription, particularly for the Sanskrit legends which are fully visible and well-centred. The mint and date is also clearly readable in the Arabic legend.
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Lot No.171
Sultans of Delhi, Tughluqs, gold tanka of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq (1320-1325 AD), Hadrat Delhi mint, AH 720, G&G D301, 10.98g. Obv: Arabic legend al-sultan al-ghazi ghiyath al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzzafar within double square. Rev: In circle, Arabic legend tughluq shah al-sultan nasir amir al mu'minin, date and mint details in the margin.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.172
Sultans of Delhi, Tughluqs, Silver adli of Muhammad Bin Tughluq (1325-1351 AD), Hadrat Delhi mint, AH 726, 'al-wathiq' type, G&G D364, 9.42g. Obv: Shahada ashhad an la illah illa allah wa ashhad an muhammad 'abduhu wa rasuluhu. Rev: In circle,Arabic legend al-wathiq bi-ta'yid al-rahman muhammad shah al-sultan with complete date and mint details in margin.
About extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.173
Sultans of Delhi, Tughluqs, gold tanka (dinar) of Muhammad bin Tughluq (1325-1351 AD), Daulatabad mint, AH 745, 'al-Mustakfi' type, G&G D425, 10.98g. Obv: Arabic legend fi zaman al-imam al-mustakfi billah amir al-mu'minin abu rabi' sulaiman khallada allah khilafatahu. Rev: Arabic legend duriba hadha al-dinar al-khalifati fi al-daulatabad shahur followed by AH date in words.
About extremely fine, Extremely rare.
The gold coins in the name of al-Mustakfi are called dinars, though they are of normal tanka weight. Probably, it is the first time that this coin has been offered in any Indian auction.
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Lot No.174
Sultans of Delhi, Tughluqs, gold tanka of Firuz Shah Tughluq (1351-1388 AD), 'Abu'l Fath al-Mu'tasid' type, G&G D462. Obv: Arabic legend al sultan al-a'zam saif amir al-mu'minin abu'l muzaffar firuz shah sultani khulidat mamlakatuhu. Rev: In circle, Arabic legend fi zaman al-imam amir al-mu'minin abu'l fath khulidat khilafatuhu.
NGC graded MS61, Rare.
NGC has wrongly described the coin as Muhammad III Bin Tughluq.
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Lot No.175
Sultans of Delhi, Suris, silver rupee of Sher Shah (1538-1545 AD), Sharifabad mint, AH 947, G&G D797, 11.25g. Obv: Shahada la illah illa allah muhammad rasuluhu allah and 'al-sultan al-adil' within square; four caliphs name in margin. Rev: Arabic legend sher shah al-sultan khallada allah mulkahu sharifabad 947, Devanagari legend Sri Serasahi within square.
Good very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.176
Sultans of Delhi, Suris, silver rupee of Sher Shah (1538-1545 AD), mintless type, AH 949 (first digit retrograde), whorl symbol, G&G D829, 11.19g. Obv: Within a circle, Arabic legend sher shah al-sultan khallada allah mulkahu wa saltanahu; Devanagari legend Sri Serasahi along with AH date, the Sultan's laqab and kunyat in exergue. Rev: Kalima within a circle; names and titles of the Caliphs in outer margin, Broad flan, 33.40mm.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.177
Sultans of Bengal, Silver tanka of Ikhtiyar al-Din Ghazi (in East Bengal) (1349-1352 AD), Hadrat Jalal Sunargaon mint, AH 753, G&G B138 (Listed as RR), 10.64g. Obv: Arabic legend al-sultan al-a'zam ikhtiyar al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar ghazi shah al-sultan bin al sultan. Rev: In circle, Arabic legend yamin al-khalifa nasir amir al-mu'minin with date and mint-name around.
About extremely fine, Very rare.
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Lot No.178
Sultans of Bengal, Gold tanka of Ghiyath al-Din Azam Shah (1389-1410 AD), no mint and date type, G&G B237 (Listed as RR), 10.85g. Obv: Arabic legend al-mu’ ayyad bi-ta‘yid al-rahman ghiyath al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar 'azam shah ibn sikandar shah ibn ilyas shah al-sultan. Rev: Arabic legend yamin khilafat allah nasir amir al-mu'minin ghawth al-islam wa'l muslimin khallada allah khilafatahu.
About extremely fine, Extremely rare.
This is probably the first time that this exceptionally rare coin is being offered in an Indian auction.
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Lot No.179
Sultans of Bengal, Silver tanka of Ghiyath al-Din Azam Shah (1389-1410 AD), Mu'azzamabad mint, G&G B245, 10.45g. Obv: Arabic legend al -mu'ayyad bi-ta 'yid al-rahman and ruler's titles within square. Rev: Arabic legend nasir al-islam wa'l muslimin nasir amir al mu'minin within a pointed multifold enclosure
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.180
Sultans of Bengal, Silver tanka of Shams al-Din Ahmad Shah (1432 AD), uncertain mint, struck in East Bengal, G&G B394, 10.72g. Obv: Arabic legend al-mu ayyad bi-ta yid al-rahman shams al-dunya wa al-din abu al-muzaffar.... Rev: Arabic legend in circle - nasir amir al-mu'minin ghawth al-islam wa'l musliimin khallada mulkahu.
Very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.181
Sultans of Bengal, Gold tanka of Nasir ud-din Mahmud (1433/4-1459 AD), no mint type, 'abu'l mujahid' type, G&G B406, 10.94g. Obv: Arabic legend al mu'ayyad bi-ta'yid al-rahman khalifat allah bi'l hujjat wa'l burhan (vice-regent of God by proof and testimony). Rev: Arabic legend nasir al-dunya wa al-din abu'l mujahid mahmud shah al-sultan.
About extremely fine, Very rare.
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Lot No.182
Sultans of Bengal, Silver tanka of Shams al-Din Muzaffar Shah (1490-1493 AD), Khazana mint, AH 896, G&G B676, 10.32g. Obv: Arabic legend shams al-dunya wa al-din abu al-nasr muzaffar shah al-sultan khallada allah mulkahu wa saltanahu within double scalloped border. Rev: Kalima followed by mint-name and AH date in numbers in scalloped border; names and titles of Rashidoons in margin.
Good Very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.183
Sultans of Bengal, Gold tanka of Ala al-Din Husain Shah (1493-1519 AD), Husainabad mint, no date, G&G B728, 10.62g. Obv: Arabic legend al-sultan al-fatih al-kamru wa al-kamta wa jajnagar wa urisa ala al-dunya wa al-din abu al muzaffar. Rev: Arabic legend husain shah al-sultan ibn said ashraf al-husaini khallada allah mulkahu wa saltanahu husainabad.
Extremely fine, Extremely rare.
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Lot No.184
Sultans of Bengal, Silver tanka (large flan) of Ala al-Din Husain Shah (1493-1519 AD), type 2, Dar al-Darb mint, AH 912, G&G B761, 10.44g, Broad flan, 37.86mm.
Very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.185
Sultans of Bengal, Silver rupee of Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur Shah (1555-1560 AD), no mint (probably Lakhnauti), AH 968, G&G B967, 11.08g.
Good very fine, Very scarce.
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Lot No.186
Sultans of Bengal, Chittagong Region Trade Coinage, silver tanka, in the name of Sher Shah Suri, first series, probably struck at Chittagong (Chatgaon), AH 946, G&G B1000, 11.08g. Obv: Kalima within square and names of four caliphs in margin. Rev: Arabic legend sher shah al-sultan khallada allah mulkahu, Devanagari legend Sri Serasahi within square; other titles in margins.
Very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.187
Sultans of Bengal, Chittagong region trade coinage - silver tanka in the name of Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur Shah (1550-1560), AH 959, G&G B1010 (listed as RR), 9.36g. Obv: Arabic legend Bahadur Shah Sultan bin Mahmud Shah Sultan Khallada Allah Mulkahu (wa) Saltanahu followed by AH date in numbers. Rev: Shahada followed by al-Sultan bin al-Sultan in rectangular bracket.
Very fine, Rare.
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Lot No.188
Bahmani Sultans of Gulbarga, Gold tanka of Muhammad Shah II (1378-1397 AD), AH 783, G&G BH50, 10.90g. Obv: Arabic legend al-muqtafi bi-awamir al-rahman al-mustarshid billah al-mannan. Rev: Arabic legend al-nasir li-alwiyat al-ahsan abu'l muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan in square, with date in numbers below.
Good very fine, Very rare.
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Lot No.189
Bahmani Sultans of Gulbarga, Gold tanka of Taj al-Din Firuz Shah (1397-1422 AD), AH 805, G&G BH61 (Listed as RRR), 11.02g. Obv: Arabic legend al-mustansir billah al-mannan al-wathiq bi-ta'yid al-rahman abu'l muzaffar. Rev: Arabic legend taj al-dunya wa'l din firuz shah al-sultan within double ornamental border, with AH date in numbers below.
No testmark, Extremely fine, Very rare.
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Lot No.190
Bahmani Sultans of Gulbarga, Gold tanka of Ala al-Din Ahmad Shah II (1435-1457 AD), Hadrat Muhammadabad mint, AH 861, G&G BH81, 11.07g. Obv: Arabic legend al-sultan al-qawi al-islam jami al'fadl' wa'l adl wa'l ihsan. Rev: Arabic legend abu l'muzaffar ala al-dunya wa'l din ahmad shah bin ahmad shah al sultan in square, with date in numbers below.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.191
Bahmani Sultans of Gulbarga, Gold tanka of Nizam al-Din Ahmad Shah III (1461-1463AD), Hadrat Muhammadabad mint, AH 866, G&G BH102 (listed as RRR), 11.06g. Obv: Arabic legend al-wathiq billah al-ghani abu'l muzaffar nizam al-duniya wa'l din. Rev: Within a rectangular border, Arabic legend ahmad shah bin humayun shah(sic!) al-sultan al-bahmani khallada allah mulkahu followed by AH date in numbers below.
Good very fine, Very rare.
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Lot No.192
Bahmani Sultans of Gulbarga, Gold tanka of Shams al-Din Muhammad Shah III (1463-1482 AD), Hadrat Muhammadabad mint (fully visible), AH 870, G&G BH110, 11.06g. Obv: Arabic legend al-mu 'tasim billah abu'l Muzaffar Shams al-dunya wa'l din. Rev: Arabic legend muhammad shah bin humayun shah al-sultan khallada mulkahu in square, with date in numbers below.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.193
Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Copper 2/3 falus of Muhammad Adil Shah (1627-1656 AD), fourth series, legend arranged around dotted leaf motif on both sides, G&G BJ33, 8.93g.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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Lot No.194
Nizam Shahs of Ahmadnagar, Gold pagoda of Burhan Nizam Shah II (1591-1595 AD), Burhanabad mint, AH 1001, G&G N10, 3.39g. Obv: Arabic legend Darb Burhanabad with AH date in scalloped circle. Rev: the Shi'a version of the Shahada incorporating Ali Wali Allah.
Extremely fine, Rare.
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