daRoller has introduced a new light running roller that requires just 12g (0.026 lbs) of turning effort to cause the conveyor roller to start rolling. Based on daRoller’s 1200 Series gravity roller, the light running roller is built with high quality ABEC precision bearings, and a grease/oil combination for lubrication. It allows conveyor to run easily, quietly, and smoothly even when moving light goods. Proven and trusted, there are millions of these rollers in use around the world.
According to Ms. Joan Morgan, President and CEO at daRoller, “When you're moving very lightweight items along a conveyor on a slightly angled slope, or in a high speed sorting application, simply getting the rollers to turn can sometimes be a challenge. The items simply do not have enough weight to overcome friction and inertia. Our light running roller solves that problem.” Tank Fit-Up Rolls

The new roller comes equipped with a polymer housed bearing, an end cap designed to protect the bearings from dust and liquid, and spring-loaded shafts on both ends and the tub. The axle rollers are double spring retained, with internal threads or pin-retained available as options. The tube is galvanized for corrosion resistance.
For more information contact daRoller at (513) 898-1850, or visit their website.
About daRoller Established in 2014 and headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, daRoller is the exclusive distributor and licensee of Damon conveyor rollers in the Americas. The company serves conveyor manufacturers with a line of high-quality driven, gravity and custom conveyor roller.

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