
Female Anatomy: Labeled Diagrams (Inside and Outside)

Diagrams of the inside and outside of female body parts

Female anatomy includes the internal and external structures of the reproductive and urinary systems. Reproductive anatomy plays a role in sexual pleasure, getting pregnant, and breastfeeding. The urinary system helps rid the body of toxins through urination (peeing).  Dental Syringe

Female Anatomy: Labeled Diagrams (Inside and Outside)

The main parts of the female anatomy can be broken up into outside (external) and inside (internal) parts.

*Collectively referred to as the the Vulva

Internal female anatomy includes the:

Female breasts have both internal and external parts.

This article discusses the location and function of the various parts of the female anatomy.

Note: Some people are born with internal or external structures that are ambiguous or characteristic of both male and female anatomy, which we do not cover here.

The word “female” is used throughout this article to refer to people who were born with reproductive organs typical of biological females. Some people who identify as female do not have the anatomy depicted.

This female anatomy diagram is a good place to start if you're unsure of exactly where parts of the female reproductive and urinary systems are in comparison to one another.

The following sections go into detail about these and other parts of the female anatomy.

This photo contains content that some people may find graphic or disturbing.

The vulva is made up of the structures outside the vaginal opening. These external structures include:

The vaginal opening is where:

The rest of the female genitalia are inside the vaginal opening. These internal structures of female anatomy include the:

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The breast contains multiple structures within it, including:

The various parts of the female anatomy serve different functions, which include hormone production, sexual arousal, conception, and pregnancy.

Estrogen and progesterone are the primary female hormones produced by the reproductive system. Hormone production increases at puberty, giving a person the ability to menstruate and conceive.

Female hormones also promote vaginal lubrication and increase sexual desire.

Female anatomy is designed for both intimacy and conception. The vulva, vagina, and breasts are sensitive to being touched, which helps with sexual arousal.

The role of the clitoris is just for sexual pleasure. It has many sensitive nerve endings that respond to touch. When a person is aroused, the clitoris tissue gets bigger—just like erectile swelling in people with a penis.

During ovulation, an ovary releases an egg that travels to a fallopian tube, where it stays for a brief period. If a sperm from semen introduced during penile-vaginal intercourse swims to the egg and joins it, fertilization (conception) occurs.

This creates a zygote, which evolves further as it finds its way to the uterus, where it implants. This is what develops into an embryo. Fertilization can happen hours or days after sexual intercourse.

If the egg is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, the uterine lining sheds instead. This part of the menstrual cycle is a person's period. Most people who menstruate have a cycle every 28 to 31 days, in the absence of pregnancy, but this varies depending on how often they ovulate.

Understanding female anatomy inside and out can help you prepare for changes during puberty, adulthood, pregnancy, and menopause. It can also help you better understand a related condition you may be diagnosed with.

The internal and external structures of the female anatomy, including the vagina, vulva, uterus, and clitoris, play important roles in sexual arousal, intercourse, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.

Urine collects in the bladder, passes through the urethra, and leaves the body at the urethral opening.

Researchers are not sure if a person's erotic G-spot is an actual structure or a sensitive area in the vagina. You can try to find the G-spot by inserting a finger (palm up) a few inches into your vagina. Then, curl your finger in a “come here” motion to see if that stimulates the tissue there.

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Library of Congress Biology and Human Anatomy. What is the strongest muscle in the body?

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Johns Hopkins Medicine. Anatomy of the breasts.

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Cappelletti M, Wallen K. Increasing women's sexual desire: The comparative effectiveness of estrogens and androgens. Horm Behav. 2016;78:178-193. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2015.11.003

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Vieira-Baptista P, Lima-Silva J, Preti M, Xavier J, Vendeira P, Stockdale CK. G-spot: Fact or Fiction?: A Systematic Review. Sex Med. 2021;9(5):100435. doi:10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100435

Boston University School of Medicine. Female genital anatomy.

By Brandi Jones, MSN-ED RN-BC Brandi is a nurse and the owner of Brandi Jones LLC. She specializes in health and wellness writing including blogs, articles, and education.

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Female Anatomy: Labeled Diagrams (Inside and Outside)

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